
哲学是对知识或智慧的积极追求. It emphasizes logic and rigorous, critical thinking—valuable skills that are useful in many contexts. 哲学 is considered excellent preparation for graduate and professional careers in fields such as law, 健康科学和公共服务.   

BGSU has an international reputation for its focus on applied philosophy, 其中包括道德, 元伦理学, 公共政策的伦理分析, 政治哲学. 这个系有一群活跃的学者, and hosts regular colloquia and annual workshops on applied ethics and public policy.

At the undergraduate level, the department offers a major and a minor in philosophy. 在博天堂官方网站生阶段, the department offers a specialized masters’ degree and a PhD in applied philosophy. 看到 博天堂官方网站生项目主页 欲知详情.

Home of the 哲学 政治, 经济学 and 法律 Program
该部门也是一个创新的家, multidisciplinary undergraduate major and minor in 哲学、政治、经济 and 法律 (PPEL). 看到 PPEL主页 欲知详情.   

The department is currently engaged in a job search for 2024-25 academic year adjunct faculty. 欲知详情,请 在这里看到的.



We are sad to report the passing of a longtime faculty member of the department, Don Scherer.

Professor Scherer joined the philosophy faculty in 1967, having previously taught at Hobart College. In 1999-2000, 他访问了圣克拉拉大学, where he consulted with environmental studies faculty on how to incorporate ethics within the scope of their research, 不管他们的学科基础是什么. 自2003年起退休, 他继续教授环境哲学课程, with particular interests in the social aspects of ecological restoration, 能源使用的伦理, 以及可持续性之间的关系, 劳动专业化与负外部性. 俄亥俄州绿色能源公司的副总裁, Professor Scherer consulted on environmental developing concerns, 包括绿色工业的方法, 公园的使用, 城市恢复, private-public partnerships and wind and solar energy development.
He was one of the faculty members who built the 哲学系 at BGSU from relatively humble origins to its current status as one of the foremost departments in the nation in its niche of applied philosophy.
He is survived by his loving wife Char, and a multitude of children and grandchildren.


13th    Annual    Bowling    Green    Workshop    in    Applied    Ethics    and    Public    Policy 




Friday, April 5: Beginning at 9:30 AM Saturday, April 6: Beginning at 10:30 AM

Keynote addresses, which will begin at 5:00 PM each day, will be given by:

Julia Maskivker(罗林斯学院)


如需更多资料,请联络杰夫·卡罗尔(jcarro@nbshgold.com)或迈克尔•韦伯 (meweber@nbshgold.com).


Justin Donhauser Recognized with 2023 安德鲁光 Award for Public 哲学

The department is delighted to announce that our late collegue Dr. Justin Donhauser is the recipient of the 2023 安德鲁光 Award for Public 哲学 by the International 社会 for Environmental Ethics (ISEE).

ISEE established this award to promote work in public philosophy and honor contributions to the field by Dr. 安德鲁光, who was recognized for his distinctive work in public environmental philosophy at ISEE’s 2017 annual summer meeting. 凭借这个奖项, ISEE strives to recognize public philosophers working in environmental ethics and philosophy, 广泛的解释, and who bring unique insights or methods that broaden the reach, 交互, 以及哲学与更广泛公众的接触. This may be exemplified in published work or engagement in environmental issues of public importance.

今年的安德鲁·莱特奖得主是Dr. 美国博天堂官方网站的Justin Donhauser. 该奖项旨在表彰. Donhauser posthumously for outstanding achievements in public philosophy over the course of a highly engaged, 但遗憾的是截断了职业生涯.


Dr. Donhauser was also recently promoted to ther position of Teaching Professor in the Department.



哲学 can prepare you for all sorts of fascinating careers.  Meet three of our recent BGSU philosophy graduates -Robert Mominee, 汉娜考, and Daniel Gordon- and see what amazing things they've gone on to do with their degree.


哲学、政治、经济、 & 法律



哲学、政治、经济、 & 法律


Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in 哲学 are expected to be able to:

  • 阅读和理解深奥的哲学文本;
  • 批判性地评价哲学论点;
  • Construct and defend philosophical arguments in well-organized, clear, and concise prose;
  • Demonstrate mastery of basic philosophical concepts and methods, both orally and in writing;
  • Apply critical-thinking and argument-evaluation skills to the philosophical issues and arguments that present themselves in everyday life;
  • 从事理性活动, civil discourse about complex and emotionally laden topics in a manner that is respectful of others.

州立鲍灵格林大学 [BGSU] is accredited by the 高等教育委员会.  BGSU has been accredited by the 高等教育委员会 since 01/01/1916. 最近的 重申认可资格 是在2012 - 2013年收到的. 问题应直接向 机构效能办公室.

哲学课程目前正在进行中 程序/集群检查.

州立鲍灵格林大学 programs leading to licensure, 证明和/或背书, 是否在线交付, 面对面或混合形式, satisfy the academic requirements for those credentials set forth by the State of Ohio.

牌照要求, 证明和/或背书 eligibility vary greatly from one profession to another and from state to state. The 哲学 program does not lead to professional licensure.

Under the Higher Education Act Title IV disclosure requirements, an institution must provide current and prospective students with information about each of its programs that prepares students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation.

The 哲学 program is not a recognized occupation that requires a Gainful 博天堂官方网站 disclosure.
