

在大学休息期间, the 办公室 学生住房 encourages students to spend time with family and friends, 享受他们的休息.
For students who are unable to leave campus, we offer housing options even when the University is closed.

感恩节假期   寒假   春假 打破住房预期



•宿舍上午10点关门.m. 11月3日. 22.
• Halls will reopen at Noon on Sunday, 11月. 26.


  • 打扫你的房间
  • Empty all trash and take it to the dumpster
  • Empty room recycling containers and take it to the larger recycling containers in the hall or lobbies
  • Leave the heat on (so the pipes will not freeze in the event of cold weather)
  • 关上并锁好窗户
  • Leave curtains open, except on the ground floor (for security purposes)
  • 把贵重物品带回家
  • Make sure furniture is not blocking room doors or windows
  • 关掉所有的灯
  • Lock your door; take key and BGSU ID with you


The 办公室 学生住房 offers 感恩节假期 on-campus housing to current residents for NO 费.
11月. 1至12点.m. 11月. 15
11月. 16


  • Complete the 感恩节假期 住房 Application which can be found in your 房地产门户网站 在“管理我的房屋”下.
  • There is no cost to stay on campus during the 春假 period, but you are required to sign up in order to stay on campus.
  • The location of 感恩节假期 housing will be determined at a later date. You will be assigned to a room that is not currently occupied or to a lounge space. Depending on demand, there is a possibility that you will have a roommate.
  • Our office will notify you via your BGSU email if you have been approved for 打破住房 and give any additional instructions by 11月. 16.


• Residence halls close for 寒假 at 10 a.m. 12月12日星期六. 9
•春季入住将在1月6日. 5-7.
• You will need to sign-up for your Move-in time before you come back to campus.


  • 打扫你的房间
  • Empty all trash and take it to the dumpster
  • Empty room recycling containers and take it to the larger recycling containers in the hall or lobbies
  • Leave the heat on (so the pipes will not freeze in the event of cold weather)
  • 关上并锁好窗户
  • Unplug everything from wall outlets
  • Defrost refrigerators in advance
  • Take all perishable food items with you
  • Unplug fish tanks and take fish with you for break
  • Leave curtains open, except on the ground floor (for security purposes)
  • 把贵重物品带回家
  • Make sure furniture is not blocking room doors or windows
  • 关掉所有的灯
  • Lock your door; take key and BGSU ID with you


The 办公室 学生住房 offers 寒假 on-campus housing to current residents for a 费.
11月. 下午14点至12点.m. 12月. 1
12月. 2


  • Complete the Winter 打破住房 Application which can be found in your 房地产门户网站 在“管理我的房屋”下.
    • Winter 打破住房 is a rate of 每周210美元.
    • 每周收费从星期日开始. If you are staying in a hall on a Sunday, you will be billed to your 财务主管 account for that entire week. Once your account has been charged it is no longer refundable and you will be obligated to pay the balance, even if you do not stay the whole week in the hall.  After billing is applied to your account for a given break week, it is no longer refundable and you will be obligated to pay the balance.
  • The location of 寒假 housing will be determined at a later date. You will be assigned to a room that is not currently occupied or to a lounge space. Depending on demand, there is a possibility that you will have a roommate.
  • Our office will notify you via your BGSU email if you have been approved for 打破住房 and give any additional instructions by 12月. 2.


•宿舍上午10点关门.m. 3月3日星期六
• Residence halls reopen at Noon on Sunday, March 10


  • 打扫你的房间
  • Empty all trash and take it to the dumpster
  • Empty room recycling containers and take it to the larger recycling containers in the hall or lobbies
  • Leave the heat on (so the pipes will not freeze in the event of cold weather)
  • 关上并锁好窗户
  • Leave curtains open, except on the ground floor (for security purposes)
  • 把贵重物品带回家
  • Make sure furniture is not blocking room doors or windows
  • 关掉所有的灯
  • Lock your door; take key and BGSU ID with you


The 办公室 学生住房 offers 春假 on-campus housing to current residents for NO.
2月. 7-23
2月. 26


  • Complete the Spring 打破住房 Application which can be found in your 房地产门户网站 在“管理我的房屋”下.
  • There is no cost to stay on campus during the 春假 period, but you are required to sign up in order to stay on campus.
  • The location of 春假 housing will be determined at a later date. You will be assigned to a room that is not currently occupied or to a lounge space. Depending on demand, there is a possibility that you will have a roommate.
  • Our office will notify you via your BGSU email if you have been approved for 打破住房 and give any additional instructions by 2月. 26.
